Blog #25 - The Real Transformer

This is a continuation of my series on Electromagnetism. In this blog I will be looking at The Real Transformer. You can find this topic in my course entitled…“Electrical 3 Phase Power Transformers Fundamentals”. You can access this, and my other courses in my Stan store, at this web address…

In order to make the calculations required of a Real Transformer we simply use an ideal transformer with “add-ons” that when added to the circuit produce that “equivalent” results. This is know as the “Equivalent Circuit” of a transformer. Modeling the copper losses or resistive losses in the primary and secondary windings of the core, are represented in the equivalent circuit by R1 and R2. Modeling the primary & secondary leakage flux, are represented in the equivalent circuit by L1 and L2, The core excitation is modeled by LM. and the core eddy current and hysteresis losses is modeled by RC.

Anker’s has just released a peek at their most advanced multi device fast charging line-up. In order to check out this advanced lineup…Simply go to this web address…

This video is part of my “Electrical Technical Information” series! Be sure and stay tuned, as I will also, from time to time, be reviewing electrical products, that in my opinion are worthy of paying attention to. This address… give you access to the supplier of aforementioned products and it is also the connection to obtain a free, copy of my 50 page “Electrical Power” crib sheets.

My free “electrical crib sheets”…

See the full range of ANKER products…

Directly access my Stan Store courses…